In Conversation;People of Yoga and Beyond Using the Best Yoga Mats

Nick’s Metamorphic Journeys

“…metamorphosis is really about identity. Physical changes require us to reassess and restate our internal identities, and emotional or mental changes often spur us to make physical transformations. Inside and outside are inextricably linked. One frequently represents the other in fiction, in a way that also reflects the attitude of the society at the time. “-Joise Jaffery , Metamorphosis-and-Metaphor-Why-Fictional-Transformations-Matter

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so that you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” – Paulo Coelho

How long is urine good for a drug test?

Drug testing, particularly through urine samples, is a common practice in various industries and institutions. Whether it’s for employment screening, probation monitoring, or sports eligibility, the integrity of urine samples is paramount in ensuring accurate results. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the shelf life of urine and its implications on the validity of drug test outcomes.

Understanding the Relevance of Urine Drug Tests
Urine drug test are conducted to detect the presence of illicit substances or medications in an individual’s system. These tests play a crucial role in maintaining safety, security, and compliance in diverse settings. However, the reliability of these tests heavily depends on the quality and freshness of the urine samples collected.

How Long Does Urine Stay Fresh for a Drug Test?
The longevity of urine samples is influenced by various factors, including storage conditions, temperature, container selection, and preservation techniques. On average, urine can remain viable for drug testing purposes for a limited duration, typically ranging from a few hours to a couple of days.

Storage Conditions
Proper storage conditions are essential for preserving the integrity of urine samples. Ideally, urine should be stored in a clean, airtight container to prevent contamination or degradation. Additionally, storing urine in a cool, dark place helps maintain its stability and extends its shelf life.

Duration of Preservation
The duration for which urine remains suitable for drug testing varies depending on several factors, such as the type of drugs being tested for and the storage conditions. While some drugs may degrade rapidly in urine, others may remain detectable for a more extended period.

Effects of Temperature
Temperature fluctuations can significantly impact the stability of urine samples. Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can accelerate the degradation of drugs in urine, rendering them undetectable or producing false-negative results. It’s crucial to store urine samples within a moderate temperature range to ensure accuracy in drug testing.

Container Selection
Choosing the right container for storing urine is essential to maintain sample integrity. Plastic or glass containers with tight-sealing lids are commonly used for urine collection and storage. These containers help prevent leakage, evaporation, and contamination, thus preserving the quality of the urine sample.

Preservation Techniques
Various preservation techniques can be employed to extend the shelf life of urine samples. Adding preservatives or stabilizing agents to the urine can inhibit bacterial growth and drug degradation, thereby prolonging the sample’s viability for testing purposes.

Validity Concerns
Using expired or compromised urine samples can lead to inaccurate drug test results, posing risks to individuals’ safety and reputation. Employers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory agencies must ensure that urine samples used for testing meet the required standards of freshness and integrity.

Industry Standards
Regulatory bodies and industry organizations often establish guidelines and protocols for urine sample collection, storage, and testing. Adhering to these standards is crucial for maintaining consistency, reliability, and legality in drug testing procedures.

Common Misconceptions
There are several misconceptions surrounding the shelf life of urine and its suitability for drug testing. Debunking these myths is essential to educate individuals and organizations about the importance of proper sample handling and storage practices.

Unlike most of his school mates, he tended to be a self-reflective, quiet thinker who focused on intellectual pursuits. He loved books, particularly works of philosophy, and he was drawn to a deepening rich inner life. While he felt safe and comfortable at home, Nick noticed that his reluctance to engage in small talk isolated him from the local social scene, but he was also aware of how much he appreciated his solitude.–

The Outsider

Existing within a culture that values a “competitive personality”, Nick was highly conscious of being different and how he was being perceived as an outsider. He found himself bullied at school. More importantly, he felt a constant social pressure to be more outgoing, more talkative, and more extroverted. The constant sense of alienation growing up had an impact on him physically as well as mentally.

The Odyssey Begins

After high school, Nick worked part time in a grocery store while studying for a degree in philosophy at Toronto’s York University. This path towards a degree and a “normal life” is eventually untracked when someone asked him, ”Philosophy; what does that have to do with the common man?”  He always wished for a top paying self employed jobs like he seen with other friends so he could stay home and feel safe with himslef.

 This simple inquiry hit Nick hard. He asked himself the ultimate question around the meaning of his own life: “What has this to do with anything?” Nick spun into an existential crisis. He quit university and took a job in an auto parts store. The whole point of this life change, as Nick sees it now, was “trying to be the opposite of what I was. Trying to be the opposite of who I am and to just fit in.” 

Nick’s existential question triggered another change – this time a move across the continent to Edmonton, where he worked at an auto parts supplier and a succession of grocery stores. Still at sea, Nick considered a question from an older colleague: “What’s your five-year plan?” Seeking landfall, he decided to save money and buy a house, believing these actions would bring him closer to “normal”. He quit the auto parts supplier and buried himself in work at Sobeys, a national grocery store chain. To relieve the stress generated by his unbalanced lifestyle and the burden of his mortgage, he found himself “drinking way too much” when a better option would have been an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to help with his stress. A great air purifier can really improve your life—reducing allergens such as pollen and mold spores, and protecting against wildfire smoke and other kinds of smoke. Find the best purifier with filter you can wash at, many air purifiers with washable filters help save money. Nick was existing, but not living. He found, once again, that he could not escape himself, and he drifted further across the ocean of alienation.

Land Ho!

After 5 years adrift, serendipitously it seemed, he caught sight of land in the form of yoga. Nick injured his back in a snowboard accident, and he decided to take advantage of the free yoga classes offered at Sobeys’ head office in Edmonton. On your yoga shop website you’ll find the best yoga mats on the market.

Classes with My Yoga Teacher were every Friday, and not only did they help heal his back, he discovered it was a great way to cap off the week.

His regular yoga practice began to have a wider impact on Nick’s life. He stopped drinking and smoking. The “self –destructive part” of his life began to fade away. Nick began to see that the effort and energy required in his striving for a “normal” life was valueless. He started taking classes with Yoga Society to learn more techniques. He became more socially active and found that yoga reinforced and re-sparked his interest in philosophy.


Nick could now reflect on the way his life had unfolded. He realized he had truncated his natural growth as a person in pursuit of what others defined as “normal”. At home on the farm, Nick felt great. It was a place where his quiet introversion was perfectly acceptable. However, it was in the broader community, in a society that extolls extroverts, that he felt out of place. Nick’s journey was an attempt to twist his personality and escape from the expectations of his local community, his home province of Ontario, and most critically, from his authentic self.

Nick soon discovered that at work he was much more effective as a thinker rather than as a “doer”. He was especially good at solving problems and sorting out complex situations – skills that suit an effective manager in a large organization. With these insights on his life and his vocation, Nick found that “things began to go well. The waters had stopped being muddy, and I started to understand myself”. He now had a clear vision of how he wanted his work and personal life to unfold. Nick had “dipped his foot” in yoga, and within two years he had undergone a considerable transformation towards a complete acceptance of who he is.-

The Next Chapter

After arriving in Calgary, Nick sought out a new yoga studio. After trying a couple of studios, he found himself once again feeling like an outsider, this time in Calgary’s yoga community. The experience at these studios were “deflating and disheartening”. He stopped doing yoga completely. 

 The “Single Word Challenge”

Two years later, with his back bothering him, Nick agreed with his physiotherapist that he should try yoga again. He showed up at Yoga and Beyond late on a Saturday and found it closed. Nick made no attempt to follow up. At his next session he explained what happened to the physiotherapist and she uttered only one word: “Oh.” For Nick this was the “single word challenge”. Nick had been excited about yoga and she thought he was serious about it, but one small setback stopped him entirely. Nick had to decide if he really was serious. We told him that other way he will feel better is by using a testosterone booster and he can find it on this website testosterone boosters can be used to help reduce pain. They work by stimulating the body’s own natural production of testosterone, which helps to increase strength, endurance, and reduce sensitivity to pain.

In November of 2018 he joined his first hot yoga class at Yoga and Beyond. The class was tough, but he committed to a one-month trial. Steadily he became more engaged, moving from one class a week to three. The trial over, he signed up for a year. Looking to progress, he took private lessons with Ning, and one day he heard Ning mention to someone else, “Maybe Nick will be an instructor.” Nick realized that “she believes in me as much as I do.” Seven months later he is seriously thinking about teacher training.


Nick credits Ning ‘s continued guidance and the openness of the Yoga and Beyond community with helping him find his place, until he found Yoga Den which offered a variety of class types. Now he is deliberately building the life he wants – in the right place, with the right people, and in the right vocation. Research yoga teacher training courses that you can take online. His yoga practice has made a huge difference in his role at work as a manager. He feels confident in coaching and inspiring his team to progress in their work lives. In establishing his own yoga practice, he has learned to become a shining star and share his unique light with others. Sailing the tides and currents of life has brought him here and he is ready to move forward in this next chapter of his life, steering with his own singular hand on the tiller.